When working with a new commercial lines prospect, make sure you are gathering all the information you have at your disposal so you can be more efficient throughout the quoting process. Here are some quick and accessible resources that will help you find information on your prospects:
Insured’s Website: This often provides valuable information regarding the history, operation, and scope of the business. Most underwriters will look at your prospect’s website to make sure that the information you presented on the application is accurate. Confirm the information on their website is consistent with your application.
Secretary of State Website: Use the Secretary of State website to confirm the entity type and legal business name.
Review Websites: The Better Business Bureau compiles an overall grade along with complaints and reviews about a company. Sites like Google and Yelp are review forums that you should also check because many underwriters rely on these sites to assess the reputation and professionalism of a company.
County Auditor Websites: Auditor sites are a great tool providing a wealth of information on ownership and building characteristics. Successful agents often bring this material with them for their initial meeting with the prospect, so they show up informed and ready to make the meeting productive.
Social Media Websites: Social media websites like Facebook and LinkedIn help you to identify friends, customers, or interests that you might share with a prospect. Leverage these relationships to improve your odds of closing the deal. These tools also come in handy after you’ve secured the sale to see if they can connect you with other prospects in your database.
The Internet can be a great resource when collecting information about your prospects. These fantastic tools were not available just a short time ago. Please reach out if you would like to discuss. |